Beyond low production costs, a wide variety of versatile locations, good English speaking crews by US standards, studios with generous back lots and large sound stages, the expansion of the European Union, steady economic growth and globalization have now combined to make Romania an even more attractive destination for Commercial, TV, Streaming, or Feature Film productions coming from the U.S., Asia and Europe. After years of defining the trend in European filmmaking, ripping a slew of awards in all major world film competitions, and bringing to fruition successful co-productions with European partners, the Romanian producers are ready to ally themselves with their US counterparts to co-produce for the world market. The Romanian Film Fund (CNC) uses a revolving door system of grants, rather than tax incentives. Chiefly designed to support local productions, it is also available for co-productions. In 2016, The Romanian Film Fund participated in the financing of 12 live action and 1 documentary features (ALL CO-PRODUCTIONS with European partners), and of 8 live action, 4 documentaries and 1 animation features 100% produced by Romanian companies alone. The total amount invested in these and several other short films productions surpassed US$ 10 millions.
Since 1991, when the first US producers landed in the post-communist Romania, over 400 U.S., European and Asian productions and numerous international commercials were shot in Romania.
Property of Castel Film Studios
Property of Castel Film Studios
ANTHONY MINGHELLA - Director “Cold Mountain”/ Service production castel film: It is a truly unspoiled landscape, where is it possible to go and create a world – particularly a period world – where you can rotate a camera for 360° and not have any impediment whatsoever to the world you are creating. There was a very great willingness to go on an adventure with us, and I would certainly recommend Romania to anybody contemplating a movie there.
JOEL SOISSON - Producer “Dracula Resurrection”/ service production castel film: Visually it’s a country that has a great deal of variety of landscape: city, village and probably – most importantly, very importantly – history. You can film all sorts of historical periods, and the ability to build here is phenomenal. The sets that we had, the price of those sets - I don’t know where else in the world you could do that. The technical skill, and the artistry are top notch.
FRANCO ZEFFIRELLI - Director “Callas Forever”/ service production media pro studios : i have found here the excitement and the positive attitude that other big European studios have lost.
Contact us for more information about shooting in Romania.